We're pleased to announce that we've added External Emails as a notification channel for your CheckCentral notifications! To get started with it, login to your CheckCentral dashboard, then click Notifications > Organization. From there you can add it as a new channel, and detailed instructions are in the configuration window.
This channel allows notifications to be sent sent to an email address of a user outside of your orgainzation. By default "apply this channel to all checks" is enabled but it can be turned off and applied to specific check groups only.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance!
We're pleased to announce that we've added Bugzilla as a notification channel for your CheckCentral notifications! To get started with it, login to your CheckCentral dashboard, then click Notifications > Organization. From there you can add it as a new channel, and detailed instructions are in the configuration window.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance!
We're pleased to announce that we've added Redmine as a notification channel for your CheckCentral notifications! To get started with it, login to your CheckCentral dashboard, then click Notifications > Organization. From there you can add it as a new channel, and detailed instructions are in the configuration window.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance!
We're pleased to announce that we've added RocketChat as a notification channel for your CheckCentral notifications! To get started with it, login to your CheckCentral dashboard, then click Notifications > Organization. From there you can add it as a new channel, and detailed instructions are in the configuration window.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance!
We're pleased to announce that we've added Asana as a notification channel for your CheckCentral notifications! To get started with it, login to your CheckCentral dashboard, then click Notifications > Organization. From there you can add it as a new channel, and detailed instructions are in the configuration window.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance!
We're pleased to announce that we've added Zulip as a notification channel for your CheckCentral notifications! To get started with it, login to your CheckCentral dashboard, then click Notifications > Organization. From there you can add it as a new channel, and detailed instructions are in the configuration window.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for assistance!