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Test Status Rules

Combined Attachment Content

Parsed Message Text

Forward Message

Separate email addresses with commas or semicolons.







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Now Available: Billing in Local Currency!

November 7, 2023
We're very happy to announce that you can now have your CheckCentral subscription billed in your local currency, instead of US dollars. Our payment processor will handle the conversion from USD to your local currency so that your bank won't bill you a foreign exchange fee.
To update your existing subscription to bill in local currency, navigate to Organization > Subscription, then click the "Change Billing Currency" link, and follow the steps there to change to the currency you'd like to get billed in.
Change Billing Currency Link
Change Billing Currency Link
As always, if you run into any trouble or have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

New Notification Channel: n8n webhooks

October 16, 2023
We are excited to announce the addition of n8n automation as an organization notification channel to CheckCentral. This notification channel can send CheckCentral notifications to n8n webhooks so that you can integrate your CheckCentral into your custom automations and workflows.
To configure the n8n integration:
  • Login to CheckCentral and navigate to your Dashboard.
  • On the top menu, click Services > Organization Notifications.
  • Click "Add Channel" and choose n8n (webhook).
  • Follow the instructions in the n8n (webhook) dialog to configure the integration.
  • Be sure to click the "Manage" button next to "Checks and Default Groups" in the n8n (webhook) configuration to choose which Checks the n8n integration should be enabled for.
n8n Organization Notification Configuration
n8n Organization Notification Configuration
We are constantly striving to improve our services and provide you with enhanced features that make your CheckCentral experience even more efficient. If you have any questions or require assistance with the n8n integration or any other aspect of CheckCentral, our dedicated support team is always here to help.

New Report Type: Status History

September 19, 2023
We're excited to announce that we've added a new "Status History" report type. This report shows the status history for your checks in a simple bar format and can extend further back in time than the normal Check Group or Dashboard report types.
Status History Report
Status History Report
To get started with a Status History report, follow these steps:
  • Login to CheckCentral and navigate to your Dashboard.
  • Click Notifications > Reports from the main menu at the top of the page.
  • Click the Add Report link.
  • Select the "Status History Report" option on the Report Type tab of the wizard and click Next.
  • Complete the steps in the rest of the wizard to create your new report.
This feature is available across all subscription plans, and we hope the additional information will help make CheckCentral even more useful and easier to use. If you have any questions, feedback, or other thoughts, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Additional Notification Channel and Ticketing System Settings

August 28, 2023
We're pleased to announce some improvements and new options for notification channels and external ticketing systems. External ticketing systems now provide options to configure whether CheckCentral will react to each alert status (failure, warning, and success). The current settings for the ticketing system will be display as F W and S icons just like a notification channel. We hope this will provide additional flexibility to allow ticketing system integrations to work with your existing setups as smoothly as possible.
New Settings for Ticketing Systems
New Settings for Ticketing Systems
Icons Indicating Current Settings for Ticketing System
Icons Indicating Current Settings for Ticketing System
In addition, notification channels can now be manually disabled, allowing you to prevent notifications from being sent through that channel without having to adjust any other settings. Notification channels can now also have their failure/warning/success notifications enabled and disabled through the channel edit dialog.
Improved Notification Channel Settings
Improved Notification Channel Settings
If you have any questions, feedback, or other thoughts, about these or other updates, please let us know!

New Feature: Test Status Rules

August 18, 2023
We're excited to announce a new feature to provide more information about the status of your checks: when viewing an activity, the new "Test Status Rules" button will open a dialog displaying the current status rules for the matched check.
Test Status Rules Button
Test Status Rules Button
Each rule will be processed against the activity to provide immediate feedback on how the status of the email message as set, showing the rules that matched and those that did not. For checks with many complicated rules this can also help to quickly narrow down which rules caused a message to be set to its status.
Test Status Rules Dialog
Test Status Rules Dialog
This feature is available across all subscription plans, and we hope the additional information will help make CheckCentral even more useful and easier to use. If you have any questions, feedback, or other thoughts, please don't hesitate to contact us.

New Feature: Microsoft Word File and Excel Attachment Parsing!

July 24, 2023
We are thrilled to announce that CheckCentral can now parse Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel attachments on incoming emails. CheckCentral can already parse PDF, image, and text attachments. The addition of Word and Excel makes it an even more powerful tool for parsing and alerting on backup notifications and other emails that may contain critical info in attachments.
To configure a check to parse attachment contents, you can choose "Attachments" as the content to match, and then choose "Text Contains" or one of the other methods, then specify the text you'd like to look for in the attachments.
Attachment Text Contains Check Condition
Attachment Text Contains Check Condition
Depending on how the attachment is formatted, the plain text that the parser sees may be slightly different than what you see when viewing the original document. To view the plain text that the parser will see, you can click the "View Attachment Content" link in the View Message dialog.
View Parsed Attachment
View Parsed Attachment
Please note that this feature is available to all our valued customers across all subscription plans, with no additional charges or hidden fees.
We are constantly striving to improve our services and provide you with enhanced features that make your CheckCentral experience even more efficient. If you have any questions or require assistance with this new feature or any other aspect of CheckCentral, our dedicated support team is always here to help.
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